Please check the practice websites for Christmas/New Year holiday trading hours. You may contact our After-hours doctors service on 13 26 60 on the days we are not open, or book online via 123booking for the next available appointment with our doctors. The team at...
We would like to welcome the following doctors who have joined our dedicated team: Dr Jeanne Winarta to our Chatswood Westfield MyHealth Medical Centre Dr Lara Monaghan and Dr Sose Siddika to our Parramatta Westfield MyHealth Medical Centre Dr Lilian Schneider to our Liverpool MyHealth Medical...
Acupuncture now offered in Eastwood Myhealth Centre Acupuncture now offered at Myhealth Eastwood by Dr Sandy Liang. The service is bulk billed for medicare care holder. Acupuncture is useful in treatment of conditions, such as chronic pain, insomnia etc. Please book appointment with Dr...
Myhealth Medical Centre at Carlingford will be opening on 29/03/2016.
Protect the family this upcoming winter season. Given the severity of the flu in the recent northern hemisphere winter, Myhealth has ordered extra stocks of the flu vaccine and we encourage all our patients to consider being vaccinated this year. We remain committed to...
Myhealth Medical Centre at Parramatta Westfield opened its doors in May 2015. As part of Parramatta Westfield there is ample parking within the shopping centre and easy access via trains and buses. Parramatta Westfield Myhealth Medical Centre is located on Level 1 in Westfield,...
Bulk-billing after hours service available to all Myhealth patients through Australian Locum Medical Service (ALMS). Please call 132 660. Click here for more details.