
Changes to our billing policy from 1/11/2023:

All healthcare card holders and children under the age of 16 years will continue to be bulk billed. Health assessments and Chronic Disease care plans including mental health care plans will also be Bulk Billed.

Dr Andy Law will introduce a $25 gap fee for non-healthcare card holders.

There will be a $30 fee for new patients seeing Dr Justin Chen, Dr Belinda Chung and Dr Andy Law.

There will be a $30 fee for weekend appointments for non-healthcare card holders. All healthcare card holders and children under the age of 16 years will continue to be bulk billed on the weekend.

所有健康優惠卡持有者和 16 岁以下儿童将继续免费。 健康评估和慢性病护理计划(包括精神健康护理计划)也将免费。

Andy Law 醫生會對非優惠卡持有者收取 25 澳元的費用。

就诊 Justin Chen 医生、Belinda Chung 医生和 Andy Law 医生的新患者将收取 30 澳元的费用。

非健康優惠卡持有者周末预约将收取 30 澳元的费用。 所有医疗保健卡持有者和 16 岁以下儿童将继续在周末免費。